Monday, October 26, 2009

On Dreaming

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Last night I had the second of what seems to be a recurring cycle of dreams. I dreamt of old Athens, I knew it was Athens but it was actually Ireland. I had to travel through a long desolate strip of forest, it was as if the forest was burned down and all that was left of what used to be a vibrant forest was scorched vegetation and sand like dirt. There was a group of us, not sure who but there were about 12 of us.

We arrived to a clearing, to the left of the clearing was a ring of trees inside which was a ring of ruins, not unlike the parthenon or even slightly like stonehenge depending on which night.

We circled the ruins and clasped hands. Very ritualistic and pagan. The first night I had the dream, it was apocalyptic this time I'm not sure what happened. But the first night I had the dream it was summer time in the dreamscape, this time the whole place was covered in snow. Even more desolate this time.

I've been having a lot of Greek themed dreams, one in which I reached paradise with Luis and it began to flood. It was as if we were searching for apartments again, the same kind of idea in mind, to find a place we could live together.

I recently checked my facebook and a whole bunch of people had insane dreams last night and had posted them online.

Collective consciousness has peeked, not sure what this means. Could be nothing, or it could be the END OF DA WORLD! But, whatevz.

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