Sunday, December 13, 2009

On Finding The Reason

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

First I would like to apologize for my utter lack of posts. I just haven't had much to say lately. But, now, even now, I still don't have much to say. I'm happily ensconced in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful boy and we are having the time of our lives.

School is difficult but nearly done, with one week left I'm here looking back on my college career and thinking that perhaps I should have chosen a different major considering I have no experience in the work place and not the slightest idea what to do with my self other than teach.

My goal is to get a job in an office somewhere and save the money to move to Baltimore by the end of this summer. Who knows, maybe the boyfriend will follow me. But in the mean time I'm just going focus all of my energy on this last week of school and finish up what's left of college.

Then the great job search of 2010 will begin.

Good evening

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On jumping in Head First

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I suppose not receiving the go ahead from Teach for America should have discouraged me, but it really didn't. I had already chanted for acceptance and it helped me a great deal to understand my purpose and what I was really getting myself into. I'm fine with the denial. This only means that I could be moving east very, very soon.
Maybe if I receive the go ahead from Teaching Residency in Maryland I can move up there with the jovial nature of one making a new life for oneself.

In other news, I seem to have dived head long into what is shaping up to be one of the best relationship I've had so far. I had a crush on the cutest boy ever from the store down the street. I remember specifically one night when I walked up to the store to buy some cerveza and he winked at me. I was all a flutter all night long just thinking about this terribly cute boy having winked at me. Turns out he felt the same and now we're just diving in, completely prepared for whatever and where ever this takes us.

Whatever happens happens and thank god for that. Lets just enjoy life for these last few weeks of school and loveliness.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On Acceptance

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I chanted for acceptance tonight. By tonight at midnight I will know if I've been accepted for the next stage of the Teach for America program. I'm prepared to accept whatever comes from this process and not allow it to stop me from what I believe is my destiny: teaching.

Whatever it is that must be done to achieve this goal I will attain. Whether or not Teach for America allows me into their corps I will eventually become a teacher no matter what it takes.

If TFA doesn't work out there are plenty of other opportunities available to me, one of which I hope for is Americorps and the other is another teaching possibility in Baltimore City schools.

If I don't end up with TFA I will debate moving to Baltimore for the teaching certification program there and in the mean time work for Americorps. Whatever it is that comes, I am ready and willing to meet it head on, chin up, chest out.

Here I come world. Here I come.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On It Being What It Is

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Whatever it is, it is precisely that. And there's nothing we can do about it. Our attempts to change it will be thwarted miserably, our deep denial of it will not make it go away, and mostly no matter where we go or what we do it will always be there, digging its fingernails into our skin, holding on for dear life, yanking us out of our routine, violently, simple to say " Hey, you bastard. I'm still here."

Well, we all have "its". They may be positive or negative or you may not have the slightest notion at all what your IT is. But, whatever that mother fucker is, it's there and it's not going to take a vacation anytime soon.

I discussed this idea with my Che' Guevara tutee yesterday. We discussed the idea that people in todays society so very much inhibit themselves. Men shouldn't cry, they should cowboy up and just " Get over it." And I say, it's precisely the idea of denial that is killing people so young.

If one could simply completely accept what they are feeling, embrace it, feel it utterly, let it consume oneself for as long as necessary, I believe that very person who allowed themselves to feel awful or whatever the dogging emotion is would then find freedom from it and allow it to pass through them without the fear of it catching up to them later.

The fact is. It's fucking here. And it's never going anywhere until you face it head on, chin up, shoulders back, embracing it with every last breath of strength and once you have done so you must give it the respect it should have as an emotion, no matter how ridiculous it may be, and then finally allow it to pass and give it up.

I told him so and he promptly told me that he experiences more in his heart and mind in my class than he ever has in his life and then simply said. " It is what it is."

Monday, October 26, 2009

On Dreaming

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Last night I had the second of what seems to be a recurring cycle of dreams. I dreamt of old Athens, I knew it was Athens but it was actually Ireland. I had to travel through a long desolate strip of forest, it was as if the forest was burned down and all that was left of what used to be a vibrant forest was scorched vegetation and sand like dirt. There was a group of us, not sure who but there were about 12 of us.

We arrived to a clearing, to the left of the clearing was a ring of trees inside which was a ring of ruins, not unlike the parthenon or even slightly like stonehenge depending on which night.

We circled the ruins and clasped hands. Very ritualistic and pagan. The first night I had the dream, it was apocalyptic this time I'm not sure what happened. But the first night I had the dream it was summer time in the dreamscape, this time the whole place was covered in snow. Even more desolate this time.

I've been having a lot of Greek themed dreams, one in which I reached paradise with Luis and it began to flood. It was as if we were searching for apartments again, the same kind of idea in mind, to find a place we could live together.

I recently checked my facebook and a whole bunch of people had insane dreams last night and had posted them online.

Collective consciousness has peeked, not sure what this means. Could be nothing, or it could be the END OF DA WORLD! But, whatevz.

Monday, October 19, 2009

On Finding the Unicorn

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Random thoughts and experiences for Monday October 19th

After a year of searching I finally found the 8th episode of the Masters of Horror season 1. Watching a movie you've been searching for or listening to that song you couldn't find anywhere is an experience all to itself. It was easy enough to find with my Granny Smith but I must say it was not what I was hoping for. Just like after putting that one song on repeat for days makes it not nearly so sweet.
Last night posed several disappointments. Seeing someone who begged to see you and finding that they only did it to prove a point is difficult. It could make you lose faith. And I swore I never would, and I'm not about to let it happen now.


The Che Guevara tutee never ceases to amaze. I called to ask him his preference for our next session, would he rather see a creative non fiction reading or have a session devoted to music as literature. He asked me what I wanted to do. Frankly, I have never had a tutee worry about my interest in a session. I had to explain to him that it wasn't my decision, that is was up to him. I laughed and told him to think of himself for once. He's just such a nice fucking kid.


The final season of Veronica Mars is finally online. Now that I have something to obsess over, I don't have to worry about instance number 2 above.


I can't help but think I'm paying the price for something, for all the insincerity I've doled out in my life, its all finally coming back to me. Karma sure is a mother fucker.


Forgive the darkness, but today was not an easy day. Today I battled with myself over maintaining an open heart and allowing myself to feel freely and experience dashed expectations constantly. But, eventually I came to the conclusion that being open hearted is more important than protecting myself. I wouldn't feel this way unless I was meant to learn something by it. I refuse to become bitter. I refuse to allow myself to close my heart. I will not give up on people and I know that if I don't then others wont as well. Every break up, every time someone lies to me and every time I believe the lies I know it's all going to end well, even if it ends terribly.


I've never been the sort for glory and I know I'm meant to be someone who never stops loving, so form now on, let there be no bloodshed. Let me simply fall without a struggle.

And now I'm not gonna go listen to Nocturne in E Minor and finish up the last bit of morbidity for the day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On Being Inspired by the Uninspired

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Maybe I'm listening to too much Punjabi MC, but I'm becoming increasingly aware of the things going on outside our American periphery. I just finished writing a paper on the difference between press coverage of Columbia and Venezuela. The thing is, there is no difference because the press is doing equally as well between countries with ignoring the real issues. There is an entire culture in Columbia being extricated from the planet by the Columbian government simply for the sheer fact that they are Indigenous Peoples. People are being massacred and displaced from their homes for no apparent reason other than their identity as Indigenous People of Columbia.

Well, enough ranting. In other news,
The BR seems to think the best plan of attack is calling me and texting me and emailing me at every available moment to convince me that I'm meant to be with him. Well, after calling me a bitch when I refused to make a commitment after three dates, I think he's better off leaving off the whole controlling thing and finally respecting my wishes and opinions for once in his fucking life. He apparently has no idea how this dating thing works because forcing a woman to make a commitment in America after three dates is most certainly no the proper way to go about things, not to mention I'm an extreme commitmentphobe and refuse to be forced into anything period, let alone a relationship and a label after three goddamn dates.

Mother fucker is crazy. He obviously has no idea who he's dealing with. A Cuban accent and millions to dispose of flippantly does not necessarily a good boyfriend make. Thank god for my soundness of mind. Mama loves mambo, but enough to give up my freedom and independence simply for a BMW and a high rise apartment downtown.

I shall return to plowing the field alone. Thank god.

Monday, October 12, 2009

On the Bust

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Well, the BR is a bust. I simply cannot abide controlling and possessive men and I'm not about to let that slide this time around.

I've kind of learned after years of failed relationship that picking yourself up and dusting off the little bit of dirt is just a part of the game and I'm getting pretty fine with that.
I have tutoring at all hours of the morning now and I'm getting used to that too. Waking up early in the morning is just part of the game as well, and though I know it will be a general part of my life very soon, I'm still not really used to it.

Oh well, tiny post this time, just thought I'd update you all on my life in the fast lane.

Monday, October 5, 2009

On Disillusionment with Oneself

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Tonight on the train, I was riding home from my Psych of Creativity class. I was listening to Beethoven. A homeless man with a scarred and ruined face fell from his seat and began to bleed all over the floor. A Man and Woman picked him off the floor and placed him back in his seat and gave him tissues to stop the bleeding.

I didn't move from my seat when I saw him fall, when I saw the blood I didn't feel the urge to help him, when they placed him in his seat I didn't offer to assist them in carrying his weight. I sat calmly where I was and thought of no one but myself.

I guess, all those grand illusions one has of oneself need bursting sometime. I used to think I was the type of person who no matter how ugly a person was I would help them. But, when the time came I did nothing, said nothing, I attempted nothing. I watched as the other people on the train expressed concern and leant a hand while I sat comfortably in my seat and thought of how the blood would stain my favorite shoes.

I suppose one must eventually face the fight or flight scenario in reality. I guess I just thought I would have been a fighter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

On Being Trouble

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Last night the BR took me to Inglorious Basterds which was fantastic and we really enjoyed ourselves, then we decided to go get some food. He wanted to take me to some fancy and far too expensive Spanish Tapas place. We were driving downtown in his brand new BMW and frankly I really just would rather get a burger or a burrito somewhere, so I said as much. He looked at me like I was crazy. " Don't you want to go somewhere nice?" He asked. " No, actually, I'd really rather just go to some 24hr diner and get some cheap food and listen to classic rock."
He was so surprised that he really didn't know what to do. I told him as we sat down in the pleather booths that this is me. This is who I am. I mean, I sure do like to go to a nice, fancy restaurant sometimes and have a pretentious dinner over looking the lake, but frankly the real me feels more comfortable in the cheap kinda diner that has extra crispy fries and burritos the size of my face.
He was really out of his comfort zone and I told him so, to which he replied laughing, that no of course he wasn't. It was cute and everything when he ate his onion rings with a fork, cutting them into polite bite size pieces, but really? Honestly?
I know it's strange to guys like him to come across a woman who doesn't expect him to spend all his everlovin' paycheck on her and I know because he told me this.
I'm just not like other girls, I really just like to go to Mcdonald's some times and eat a fake beef burger and french fries and a milk shake. I don't need guys to spend all this fucking money on me to impress me. Really, I'd be much more impressed if he could just buy me a Blackhawks jersey and take me to the game on a Friday night instead of to the museums on sunday and to brunch at the Hancock building later.

I dunno, I guess I'm just more of the all American girl who doesn't want to diamond ring and the Beemer and would rather have a good jaunt at some thrift shops. I guess that's not normal, but whatever.

I guess, I'm bad news.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Cabin

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Usually I wont post writing on my blog, but I thought this was kind of a cute piece as it was inspired by one of my tutees more or less professing his love for me. It's fun but kinda long so enjoy!

The Cabin

“I love you.” He said.

“Psh,” she replied, “people don’t fall in love with me. That’s ridiculous.”

“I will readily admit that I’m ridiculous.” He said. He wanted to touch her face. He wanted to kiss her feet. He wanted to kill someone he loved her so much.

“What? What can I do?” He asked. “How do I prove it.”

“Aw, sweetie,” she said. “Nothing you do could ever prove to me that you loved me. People like you don’t fall in love with people like me.”

“THAT is ridiculous.” He said, triumphantly.

“No, no. I’m not the one falling in love with me. You are.” She said, laughing. “I don’t fall in love with people like me. I would never. YOU are ridiculous. I’m too old for you anyway. How old are you?”

“Psh,” he said, mocking her gently. “Love is ageless.” He stated. She laughed loud. Her laugh was what always got him. It killed him how beautiful it was, piercing and so warm. But she wasn’t exactly a cuddly person. She was the toughest teacher at school and when the other boys fawned all over her high heels and pencil skirts she hit them with their textbooks, but for some reason when he couldn’t stop staring at her she didn’t do the same to him.

She turned to leave the shop. He reached out to stop her, she avoided his outstretched arm but smiled all the same.

Her trips to the shop on the corner began in early August. She had just moved in down the street, a couple houses down with her two roommates, Luis and Pedro. He wondered if they were her lovers but it all turned out to be completely unimportant to him. All that mattered was that she was changing his life, revolutionizing it. He was always just this awkward Indian kid who never got the other girls and whom the other girls never got. Honestly no one ever really worried about trying to “ get” him except for her. She did so effortlessly. She just did. No questions about his interest in classic literature and his obsession with old westerns. She said things like “ OY” when kids were speaking out of turn. And she had the tendency to be very difficult to please. It wasn’t the grammar that got this English teacher going, it was the content.

Taj later realized that she got him so much because she was just like him when she was in high school. She must’ve been. There was no other explanation. Truthfully, what he really thought was that since she started teaching she had been searching for a kid like him. But she was lucky because it was only her first semester as a teacher and already she had found him. Or so he hoped. He hoped he was the star pupil. That she noticed him. That she was the one who just knew, without even trying, what was happening in his head.

He loved her so much it was painful. When he thought about her hot and cold sensations shot through his veins and he had to physically shake it off. Just the thought of the two of them talking about Faulkner made him feel things he had never felt for any girl ever. But she wasn’t just any girl she was THE girl. She had to be. She was the only woman he knew who knew all about Faulkner and Dickens and even VONNEGUT! She knew everything there was to know about books, she could even write POETRY! AND she knew all about theatre too. Was there anything she didn’t know?! GOD! She was the only woman for him. The perfect woman to marry and settle down with.

He told no one of his love for ms. Murphy, the black Irish woman who was changing his life. He didn’t even know her first name until his dad left him in the shop for an hour to go for more chai. She sauntered into the shop in her after school clothes. His mouth hit the dirty tile floor. She was wearing pink CONVERSE! And a Beatles t-shirt. She had a fedora perched on her head and for the first time ever, he saw her without glasses. Her eyes were so big and blue he felt utterly alone when he looked into them, as though there were no one else in the world. He loved her JUST that much. He loved her so much he could actually form real sentences around her, unlike when he was around the other girls. When he was with the other girls first of all he thought it would be a waste to say real meaningful things and second of all they wouldn’t understand anything he said if he tried in the first place.

So he stared her straight in the face when she came up to the counter with her corn torillas and ginger ale and he asked. “ So, like… What’s your first name?”

She laughed, lightly and replied. “ What’s the haps, Taj?”

His insides fluttered around a lot when she talked like that, which she didn’t do often and he liked to think, only did with him.

“ I really, just gotta know.” He said.

She held out her hand he took it ready to kiss it but it turned out she just wanted a handshake, he noted the firmness of her grasp.

“ I’m Molly.” She said. “ But, don’t you dare call me that at school. I’ll effing kill you.”

He nearly passed out. She just SWORE! Well, maybe not really, but she came SO CLOSE! And so close was close enough for him. She walked out of the shop and though he knew the jangling of the bell above the door wasn’t really the love goddess singing it sure did feel like it to him.

His friends at school would never understand such a sophisticated set of emotions, so he made a point never to tell them, what friends he had anyway, which were limited to the three other Indian kids in the 11th grade. Taj was just WAY too mature for them.

He took a little while to think about whether he had been a little too hasty to tell her he loved her within the first three months he knew her, but then he came to the decision that no matter what she said now, she would realize later that he was the right man for her and even if he had spoken a little too soon everything he said was still true.

Next was kissing her and then spiriting her away to his dads cabin on the lake. He wasn’t sure how this would happen since he didn’t have a car or a license for that matter, but he was sure she’d be alright with driving. He couldn’t wait much longer, he just couldn’t keep this daisy stomping-bootlicking-retardedly-fucking-awesome feeling he had.

If he knew how many lines a sonnet had he would compose one just for her. He noted to himself that was something he would probably need to know if he was going to marry her so the next Monday he went straight to the library after class let out and picked up Shakespeare’s sonnets and set about reading them at lunch. She was just walking by when she turned around with her Grape Naked Juice in hand, she must have looked over her shoulder cuz she stopped and said

“ What number are you on?”

“ 112.”

“ Wanna know a really crazy secret?”

“ Totally.”

“ I have CXVI tattooed on top of my right foot. Figure out what number that makes, read the sonnet that corresponds and talk to me after class today.”

“ That’s easy,” He said flipping directly to 116. “ WAIT! YOU HAVE A TATTOO?!” She hit the back of his head with her juice and told him to shut up, kid.

He read the sonnet with such intensity he didn’t realize the whole lunch room was empty and he was nearly 3 minutes late to her class. He scrambled in just in time for roll call. She called his name accusingly but winked at him when all the other kids made fun.

For the first time in the history of ever, Taj couldn’t wait for her class to be over. He wanted to talk to her about everything, Shakespeare and every single sonnet in existence, though he had only read Shakespeare’s he felt he had a pretty good handle on the whole sonnet concept. 14 lines, that’s all ya needed. Generally they were about love or hate or death, but mostly love. So there Taj sat so heavily fixated on what he wanted to say that he couldn’t even remember what he wanted to say. When the final moment came and the final bell of the day rang and all the autobots from his class filed out and went screaming down the hallways he walked slowly up to her desk and waited for her to speak.

“ So what did you think of it?” She asked, smiling.

“ I’d have to say it’s moving, touching, surreal kind of.”

“ Wow, kiddo. Nice adverbage. But, what did it make you feel?”

“ I don’t know, it kind of reminded me of how I feel about you.”

Her face turned red. SHE BLUSHED! SHE blushed.

“ Taj, you really gotta knock this off. You don’t love me. You’re just super excited I get what you’re going through, that doesn’t make us soulmates.”

“ How do you, by the way?”

“ How do I what?”

“ Get what I’m going through?”

“ I just remember what it was like being the only kid in school who actually enjoyed the books my English teacher assigned me and enjoyed writing essays and book reports. I was just like you when I was in high school.”

“ You act like it was so long ago, but you’re only 23.”

She shuddered. “ Who told you that?”

“ My dad, he checked your ID when you were buying whiskey. He thought you were too young.”

She turned red again and giggled a little.


“ Look Taj, it’s true I really do understand you a lot better than the other kids but that doesn’t mean we’re meant to be together forever or anything, it just means we get along really well.”

“ Whatever you say, dear.” He laughed as she hit him on the top of the head.

“ You’re a cheeky little bastard. But, it’s true, I see a lot of myself in you. I remember what it was like to think I was in love all the time and feel rapturous when whoever it was that week smiled at me, but this will pass. You wont love me for much longer.”

“ You’re wrong.” He said and moved closer to her, she didn’t back up, she didn’t push him away, her breath quickened as he reached out to touch her face, she was just the right height, tall but not quite as tall as him. he came closer and closer her face was red, he could feel the heat radiating from her, nothing was in between them, not even air and when he touched her feather soft lips with his he felt every explosion there was to feel in the world, he had chills. In the long kissed they shared he wondered so much about her, whether she showered in the morning or before she went to bed, whether she put her right or left shoe on first. There was so much swimming through him that he barely noticed the janitor standing outside the door, but then he did and the kiss was over and when he came to school the next day he was crushed to know she had been moved to another school. But then he thought of how he would now have free reign to talk to her as much as he wanted now he wasn’t her student and he felt much, much better.

The next step was the cabin.

Monday, September 28, 2009

On the Well of Thoughts

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

in my Psychology of Creativity class we're exploring a lot of spiritual and psychological experiences.

One of the concepts one of my fellow classmates brought up tonight, is the Well of Thoughts. The idea is that somewhere in our plane of existence is a well and in the well are all of the ideas and thoughts which human beings are able to have. BUT, once one of us has the thought or idea that makes that idea fair game to everyone else.

For example, there was a man who's girlfriends cat hated him, its name was Kashi Moto. When ever this man was in a room the cat would peek its head around the corner and stare at him as if to say, "You're there so I wont be." Every time the man saw the cat he would say " Hello, Moto." The next month the Hello Moto commercial campaign came about. Well of Thoughts.

I've had experiences like this all over the place. Strange coincidences seem to follow me when I leave this class.
For instance:
Last week, my professor had mentioned us learning origami to illustrate our concept of the box and how to think outside of it. This was a very strong idea to me and I wondered what my origami sculpture would have been. Vanessa and I were walking back to the train on our way home and as we walked down the stairs to the subway, laying on the concrete steps were dozens of origami swans.

Not to mention all the fantastic things we discuss in this class, we're all having extreme " ah ha" moments while we share concepts together.

I leave this class thinking about how we should all, as humans, give each other the type of platform to express our spirituality in whatever way the other or ourselves decides is best.

I hope that some day when I'm a teacher I can give my students this platform and allow them to relate to themselves and their fellow classmates in a recognitive way.

We talked about recognizing our fellow humans as spiritual lovable beings. The smile on the train that you think about all the way home.

Tomorrow, tutoring and English ( did I mention I have a 110% in this class?)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

On Being the Type of Person Who Never Gives Up

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

School is going swimmingly, with a 110% in my English class and two aced quizzes in two of my most difficult classes I think I'm on the edge of a 4.0 this semester. Knock on wood.

Things in my love affairs have been ultra interesting lately. After having formally decided to never ever date anyone under 25 ever again, I feel better. Frankly, men my age or should I say BOYS my age are just ridiculous and far to militant and aggressive in all the wrong ways. Which means from now on I'm dating up and older.

My mother alway told me I needed to marry a rich man because my spending habits are ridiculous and I think she might be right. However! I don't plan on dating anyone seriously until I've got my career set in motion. UNLESS, of course, there suddenly comes a knight in shining armor ready to swift me away in his white cadillac.

Next thing to focus on is the play. Mustn't be distracted by my mounting schoolwork and my sudden dislike of alcohol. Free beer or not tonight at the party I'm going to, nothing crazy is my goal.

Also, time to dress and accessorize for fall. Lots of dark red and brown and lets face it, I'm incredibly excited to start where that black dress and sweater I had to store away all summer. Let's just say those amazing buckled high heel boots I couldn't wear in the heat are being broken in again. Thank god for autumn

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On Waiting for the Unthinkable

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I know I should be thankful I'm dating an architect who wants to take me to all the museums and theatre shows and all over the city on exciting culinary adventures, but frankly, I'm finding it difficult to invest myself in this.

During our lunch downtown yesterday he told me he had something for me. I wondered silently to myself if the second date was the right time to give gifts. But he pulled out this massive book and dedicated it to with the servers pen after signing the bill. I guess he thinks I'm some kind of prophetess who's duty it is to save the world and he decided it was about time I read the Spiritist Doctrine. I know, I know it seems strange... And well, it really is. He bought me this book and told me it would change my life.

Then he hopped in a cab with me to school and insisted on paying for everything. Now, lets face it, ladies, when a man insists on paying for everything we don't exactly bulk at the idea and I don't either, but I also don't exactly jump at the thought of being a kept woman.

I suppose, the real problem is that I'm the type of girl who has a lot to give. NOW HOLD ON, I don't mean to sound arrogant but when it comes to interesting conversations and observations I'm a veritable fountain, but the Republican Buddhist ( hitherto and hereafter referred to as RB) he just doesn't have that much to give back.

I'm ever searching for the type of man who can not only take me to the latest theatrical or operatic events but also sit on the couch and eat a pizza while watching Gladiator for a night and maybe a little soccer.

The search continues...

Geography test in Latin American Studies tomorrow night.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

All Sundays should be like this.

I woke up around 10:30 AM for the first time voluntarily in about a century. My housemate Allen had a great party last night, I got drunk and was in bed by 12 AM. When I woke up I felt renewed and willing to do just exactly what would make me happy today.

I texted Allen who woke up about 15 minutes later and told me to come down. I walked down the flight of steps that separates my apartment from his and listened to one of my favorite playlists while I helped Allen clean. We scrubbed the floor and threw away all the empty and not so empty beer cans and bottles, made coffee and went out for a smoke barefoot.

We both took showers and headed out to the farmers market in the square where we drank Chai Tea and played chess on the green while we ate our goat cheese and ratatouille crepes. After having lounged for a couple hours we got up and walked around and Allen bought a beautiful painting from a local artist at which time we saw fit to head home for naps. After our naps we ate dinner together and talked about the great loves and downfalls of our lives and grew yet another million stories closer to each other.

I'd like to formally thank the universe for handing me these wonderful people on a silver platter and allowing me to, again and finally, open my heart to new people who wont judge and will always accept.

Today was a day sanctified. A day spent in paradise.

Friday, September 18, 2009

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I met this man on a site, which is a long story. this was his first message to me.

i'm looking for something real, not in the computer, the danger with the computer is that you get stuck in it and don't get to experience real life. i would rather see you and talk to you in person right away, writing emails is of secondary importance for me. i'm not looking for a virtual reality, the computer is only a means to an end for me, the end is always reality.

i just want to give you quick introduction, i'm not going to write too much.

what i value above all else is spirituality, and i'm excited you identify yourself as a buddhist/taoist, that's very refreshing to hear, i also identify as one. buddhism and hinduism are the religions that come closest to the truth. my interest lies more in spiritual truths and not any specific religion. i think we can have entertaining conversations about this.

i'm a serious guy, i mean i'm serious about anything i get myself into, i don't just leave it half way done. if you like that, that's great, if not, then i'm not looking to change.

i'm confident in the way i am, in what i believe, in who i am, in what i'm doing, and where i'm going. i'm not looking to adapt myself to anyone or to change anyone.

i'm very coherent in my thoughts and am very intelligent. i enjoy reading and writing, i am down to earth and realistic but also very romantic and believe in high ideals.

i am very neat and ordered, i have an innate discipline in me. if you're messy then i have no opinion about that, i'm just not like that. my taste is of a sophisticated kind, i prefer to surround myself with things that are highly modern in their design. i'm an architect, everything i have ever done is very up-to-date and modern.

i am very good at what i do, i mean in my profession, i have a deep passion for it and it's very important to me. i dedicate a lot of time and respect to my work, i do it because i enjoy it. if given the option i will go for what i believe is work worth doing, as i have done in the past.

i am trustworthy, independent, with high morals and values, compassionate, always try to do what is just, i have no criminal record whatsoever, only a few speeding tickets, i do like to drive fast but i'm trying to change that, i've never smoked, i've never done drugs, my credit rating is very high, my finances are in order.

i have a seven year education with two degrees from two universities, one of them ivy league, both for architecture.

i have a family that is always there for each other. there are no divorces in my family at all. the idea of a family that is not there for each and every one of its members is foreign to me.

i am a good listener and a good "teacher", i enjoy explaining things to people, listening to people and helping them with their problems.

i believe in the united states and i believe in capitalism. i am a libertarian and a republican. i hate democrats and socialists, but if you're one i can work around that with you. i'm glad you like winston, he's also one of my heroes.

i always type in lowercase letters.

this is just a little summary, i know you know virtually nothing about me, so i understand your concern. a lot of things can happen, we might or might not get to really know each other. we might get along great exchanging emails but not in person. we might have too many differences in likes or in personality. it will be difficult to make progress because we don't see each other often, we don't work together, we don't study together. fear will get in the way, doubt, lack of self-confidence, lazyness, stress, everyday life will exercise its pressure against us and it will be progressively harder to keep in touch. almost everything is against us, but against great odds great things happen. a relationship is half love and half sheer will and determination to make it work. i am willing to make it work, i think this is the most important thing you need to know about me. motivation is the most important thing.

i'm 27, you're 22, we have been a quarter of a decade without knowing each other, without knowing of each other's existence, that can be daunting, it can be scary, it can discourage you before you even begin, but it doesn't discourgae me, i really would find it hard to believe that it will discourage you.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

now i would like to know a little about you, to have a slight idea of what i'm getting myself into.
don't afraid to say anything, fear is the worst thing.

This was my reply

I'm a democrat. My hero is Teddy Kennedy. I watched his memorial service today and cried all the way through
I was in the park the night our current President won the race. I cried during his speech. I don't believe in capitalism because I'm not rich. In fact I'm quite the opposite. I'm an artist.
I have a terrible credit rating.
I type grammatically.
I'm very intelligent. I'm a writer.
I can barely walk in my room for all the clothes strewn around it.
I stay up til all hours of the night watching ridiculous movies and writing very serious, passionate stories.
I'm loyal to my friends and lovers to a fault. It is almost a flaw.
I hold my self to an unachievable moral standard to which I hold no one else.
I'm intimidated by no one I've met so far in my 22 years. I have yet to meet any one who can best me in a debate on cinema, politics, literature ( classic or modern or post modern for that matter.) or music.
And frankly, You are quite possibly one of THE MOST pretentious people I have ever come in contact with to this very date and while I appreciate this fact, being as I am also an excessively pretentious person, I feel that our meeting would not only rip a hole in the fabric of the universe but it not end well.


We're dating now.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On School

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I've always been the type of person who appreciates a great challenge. That's just how I am. The problem is most classes at Columbia are NOT CHALLENGING AT ALL! But, it's made up for by the absolute funness of all the classes.

I'm sitting outside my Latin American Studies class waiting for the door to open and I"M thinking about how wonderful it would be to meet a nice Mexican boy or girl and have a really lovely chat about being Mexican. I sort always considered myself Mexican, though it was something I had to keep to myself most of my life due to astringent amount of... Well, lets just say not many people would listen to a black Irish girl if she said she better identified with Mexico than America.

I've always kinda looked Mexican. Kids at my high school used to ask if I was all the time. Which is pretty stupid considering my mom worked at the same school and was obviously Irish. I guess they were shooting for a Mexican father or something.

I always wanted to learn Spanish and hopefully this class will give me a better knowledge of it than I already have, which is a little bit formidable.

Truth is I love my school. I love everything about it. I really do. I love the teachers and the students and did I mention there's a class completely devoted to Harry Potter? Did I mention I'm taking it?

Tomorrow I've got my English class at five and my Scientific Investigation class at 6:30. And then it's off home for sleep and hopefully I'll get at least a good seven hours of sleep before my 7 AM wake up call to head off to Harry Potter.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

On Forsaking the Obvious

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

School begins on Tuesday. I've never really understood why Columbia insists on starting all of it's classes on the second day of the week. I guess it's like Labor Day or some shit. Whatever that effing means, pff.

I recently received a message from one of my favorite professors who happens to be the very man who taught me to be a tutor. He also happens to be the man who is begging me to take the teaching class this semester because he thinks I'd be fabulous at it. But, it's my last semester and I can't justify adding another 4 credits to my already over achieving schedule. Plus my schedule wouldn't allow for it anyway. I already have everything put together and I simply can't forsake what I've already got going for me.

It was awfully nice of him to recommend me for it though. I appreciate that very much and I expect to find myself slightly regretting this. But, all must be maintained for the sake of my graduation this fall.

Very nice, isn't it, being adored. God, I'm such a dork.

Monday, August 31, 2009

On Life Generally

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

It's been a little difficult lately. Going weeks without work has never been easy for me. I'm the type of person who places a lot of pride in their work and when I don't have something to place that pride in,I get a little depressed.

I had a very good reading last night at the show and expect more to come. They've asked me to return to the reading next month and that will be VERY exciting.

I'm really looking forward to school starting, as per usual, and am excited about my schedule.
I'll be taking, Latin American History and the Harry Potter class ( yes we have one of those) The forensic science class and a few others which will be not only interesting, but also fun to experience and hopefully at least a little bit challenging.

I find that when I'm not challenged I have a tendency to stop trying. So lets see if I can bring myself out of that for this semester.

Good day and good luck

Saturday, August 22, 2009

On Mysterious Chirping Noises

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

Last night was interesting. I went on a date with this guy I met at a bar ( I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW it's a terrible idea.)
We ended up at my neighborhood bar called Small Bar. He turned out to be the kind of guy who makes friends easily but has no concept of what's appropriate to say on a first date.

" Do you date a lot?" He asks.
" Yes, I date very frequently. I'm trying to cut back, in fact."
" So, out of all the dates you've had how would you rate this one?"
" Seriously? This is about a 6 1/2." Which was far too high in my opinion. But the drinks kept coming and who am I to turn down Modelo Negra? No one at all.

Now I wont go into detail, but I'll admit when I've had a few drinks I get a little bit more candid and free with my words and free with a few other things too.

We ended up back at my apartment and he attempted several advances which I just wasn't having. He got upset, which is what they always do. I kicked him out and hopefully I'll never see him again. That would be very nice.

Yet again, disappointed. Not to mention I woke up this morning with a wicked hang over and after throwing my guts up I think I'm okay now.

Tonight, the roommates and I are going to our favorite Latino Gay Bar called Circuit, where we will drink, excuse me, THEY will drink and dance to our heart content.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

On Entrusting Yourself with the Courage to Care

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I'm recently bereft. I've suddenly discovered that the massive endeavor I have made at writing a novel has been defunct. I understand that the muses work on a tight schedule and that they don't always have time for little 'ol nobodies like myself, but it would've been very nice of them to let me know that the 75 pages I toiled over for my novel would be better as a play. Forgive me for saying it but, damnit, damnit all to hell.

It's not easy making such discoveries of ones writing, in fact it's quite the opposite. But, I suppose no matter how hard I tried Theatre would always find some way of pulling me back in. It's not so much the Theatre I hate. It's the actors. I go to an art school, see and I know an actor when I see one. I've done my best to stay as far away from them as possible, not to mention playwrights who have a tendency to be even more ridiculous and pretentious. I've done my best to rise above, shall we say.

But, it seems the universe had other plans for me. Plans, I might add, which had nothing to do with what I wanted for myself. I suppose, following what's best for the piece is the higher ground instead of selfishly expecting my writing to be exactly what IIIIII want it to be is what I should have been doing all along.

I proceed with trepidation, but also with a little more pizzazz. Oh, fuck it, I'll just make it amazing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On Comeuppence ( or however the hell you spell that word)

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

After a long day of applying for jobs yesterday I decided to take a little rec time and really enjoy being around my roommates. But, our dishwasher isn't working and it's been a little stressful for LRC who happens to be a real queen in the kitchen. I can say most certainly that LRC is the real man of the house. He really runs things. Once one of us has organized something he goes over it with a fine toothed comb and rearranges it in a much better, more efficient way. Don't get me wrong, I love this about him, but it does have a tendency to make the rest of us feel a little ridiculous.

He is master of his domain, I will say that and I appreciate that for sure. Yesterday he came home with this bathroom organizer which had no chance of fitting any where in our tiny bathroom. But he had already ripped it out of it's box and there was no chance of returning it to Target. I gave him a little bit of shit about that. Which was nice.

I've had my fair share of comeuppence when it comes to giving my dearest, darlingest LRC shit though. Since he, the skinniest man on earth, has decided to start working I took it in turns to call him Rocky and play the Eye of the Tiger every time he gets back from the gym. I think this is hysterical. But, ever since I got my Granny Smith he's decided to give me shit all over the place about because formerly I was a Mac hater and now that I've sold out he can't stop making references to me going to Starbuck's and writing with a Chai Tea and the rest of the Mac users.

I deserve it and appreciate it. I love it a little too, cuz I'm the only Granny Smith user at the 'ol homestead.

Maybe I do get a little sick satisfaction out of being a snob now.

Today I will finish, applying for retail jobs online and then sit down to watch a good tear jerker to unclog my head.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

after a long day of installing software and mysteriously slicing my finger open on god knows what I settled down to watch some tv. I made mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese and had a good long sit in front of the tube. I've been obsessed with the Travel Channel ever since I randomly came across Anthony Bourdain's show. Ever since I've been hooked.

My recent favorite was on tonight, Man v. Food. The premiss of the show is that this lovely, pleasingly plump young man named Adam Richmond goes all over the country in search of foodie joints with foodie challenges. He eats and eats and goddamn eats till the cows come home.

I have a strange confession to make. I judge people on the way they eat. I think it's very telling the way people consume what keeps them alive, their facial expressions, their mannerisms, their manners at the table and most of all the way they chew. I can tell right away if I like someone based on these four things. The way they dance, walk, laugh and eat. Adam Richmond happens to be a fantastic eater. I love it. He consumes food like a king and it is a wonderful thing to watch.

Seriously, watch this show and tell me if Adam Richmond isn't just the most fabulous eater ever.

This show just happens to be one of the few causes of stress in LRC and I's relationship. He hates this show with a passion and frankly just about every other show I watch. Which is just fine because I hate every show he watches.

I tend more towards the more serious cultural shows and he simply can't turn off the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and though we don't agree on most tv shows we can agree on VH1 which we both watch religiously.

But, all I need is my VH1, HBO, Travel Channel and A&E for Paranormal State, who's new season is coming up abruptly on us very soooooon. Which is powerfully exciting.

Tomorrow the Ratpack and I are off for some grocery shopping at La Casa Del Pueblo in Little Mexico. And then for some going out in the world.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

On Being Disappointed. Period.

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

I have a tendency to believe people when they tell me things. Just in general. When people say things, it is my greatest fault, I believe them and take them seriously. So life can be a little difficult for me. I know for a fact that when men tell you things over drinks they aren't always true and generally they shouldn't be taken seriously. But, seriously, I take them that way. It can be pretty depressing.

But, the good news is there are always more men to be found in the world and more bars to go to and more songs to listen to and more blogs to make.

I came home last night feeling defeated due to a little mishap with me taking men seriously when they tell me things over drinks. I walked in to find PRC and LRC doing the greatest amount of cleaning. I was drunk and so happy to see them it was almost intolerable. I gushed for a few minutes about how happy I was to finally see both of them in the apartment with me and all of us together!!!

I think I scared PRC a little, but LRC is very used to my gushings. The night ended with LRC and I smoking Winstons in the sun room, professing our undying love for each other as we often do when either one of us is drunk. It was picturesque and I love them both very much.

Today I'll finish installing the software onto Granny Smith and finish up the rest of the house work

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

If anyone was wondering my profile picture is Mazatlan, Mexico as seen from satellite.

On Finding Home

We are all worms, But, I do believe, I am a glowworm.

Winston Churchill

After a long day of cleaning, talking to the cable guy for three hours and explaining everything to my landlord I finally got a little extra time to sit down and make a real, honest to goodness blog. so here I sit.

My mother has seen it fit to buy me a brand new Mac because of which I will never hear the end of it from my roommate LRC who tends to feel that because I now have a Mac I'll just be at Starbucks all the time writing and drinking Chai Tea. I feel otherwise, suddenly, in fact I feel quite the opposite. I used to hate Macs and I used to hate Mac users. Now I'm a fan and a sell out. Oh, well.

If any one of you watches trash TV like VH1 or MTV you'll know the reality star from Daisy of Love called Sinister. LRC received a call on Monday night from Our Friend the Doorman ( hitherto and hereafter referred to as OFD at a local bar called Debonair. OFD insisted that we come out and meet his friend. His friend just happened to be Sinister from Daisy of Love.NOW! I wanted so terribly to be able to complain about what an asshole the man was but, in fact, he was a very interesting, funny and chilled out guy.  He was very fun to talk to but the only problem is he is SUPER short. I wore my tallest heels that night. I feel guilty just thinking about how the poor man must have felt in the presence of an already tall, now much taller, girl while he smoked a cigarette and answered our questions about the show.

Oh, well I suppose.

Tonight I'll be making another appearance at Debonair for my Darling Older Sister ( hitherto and hereafter referred to as DOS) who's birthday just happens to fall on this very lovely day in August. Many happy returns of the day, DOS!

In other news, the Business Man just isn't pulling his weight and I'll have to let him go. Here I come single men and ladies!